Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thoughts on the Mind

I have come to believe that our Mind is either our most powerful tool or our most dangerous enemy. If harnessed properly, it has the power to shape our Destiny in the manner of our choosing and if allowed to go unchecked it can lead us around as a dog is led on a leash.

This idea is not new. It has been understood and practiced for centuries by powerful shamans in advanced cultures all around the world and has surfaced in their oral, literary, and mythical traditions. In modern times it has surfaced in pop culture in the form of books like 'The Secret' which became a sensation after Oprah propelled it to worldwide fame.

While this is not a hard concept to grasp conceptually, the problem lies first in recognizing deep-seated patterns of thought that may oftentimes lie below our internal dialogue and then second, in having the discipline to change them. Bruce Lee said that, "What we habitually think largely determines what we become." The trick is in finding out what it is we habitually think. Once those patterns are recognized then one must have the discipline to change those patterns until they become habit. And then something magical happens: our Destiny changes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly, Bruce Lee didn't coin that...Buddha did! Buddha said, "What we think we become."